
Mission Statement: A home for all things Horror-related. The Horror Vision began – and continues – as a weekly podcast dedicated to discussing current content in the Horror/Thriller/Weird genres and has now evolved into a full-fledged Independent Publishing Imprint, Horror Vision Press/THV Press. Initially, the Literary aspect of the company will serve as home base to the Literary Horror/Weird Fiction works of founder Shawn C. Baker, the plans are to spread our black, black wings and bring you work from other established and up-and-coming authors/artists as well.

As for the Podcast, your hosts Tori HolguinShawn Baker, Missi Schmid, Anthony Guerra, Ray Larragoitiy & Professor John Trafton will continue to meet at an undisclosed underground bunker and discuss all things horror. In a world where there are thousands of hours of content to choose from, these six fiends stand up for those that MUST be experienced. They have THE HORROR VISION.

Mutant Family Unite!!!